삼우전자정밀(주) SAMWOO
최근 본 제품
Home  >  산업군별  >  ST
ST Series Features Super-miniature with multi-contact, Safe insert system
Applications Professional A/V, Measuring, Sensors, Wireless Radio, Medical, etc.
Specifications subject to change without notice. Consult Sam Woo Electronics for the latest specifications.

Specifications subject to change without notice. Consult Sam Woo Electronics for the latest specifications.
Screw on type

Push-pull type

Specifications subject to change without notice. Consult Sam Woo Electronics for the latest specifications.
Specifications subject to change without notice. Consult Sam Woo Electronics for the latest specifications.

Specifications subject to change without notice. Consult Sam Woo Electronics for the latest specifications.
Screw on type

Push-pull type

Specifications subject to change without notice. Consult Sam Woo Electronics for the latest specifications.