Privacy policy
Sam Woo Electronics (“The Company”) is committed to protecting the users’ personal data and respects users’ concerns about their privacy. This Privacy Policy will explain the scope of how the company processes your personal data when visiting its website.
In case of any modifications or updates to the Privacy Policy, the company will post public notices on the company’s website or send individual notifications via email to inform the users if required by law.
○ This Policy is effective as of 1st of January, 2017
1. Purpose of Personal Data Processing
Personal data collected will be used only for purposes below. Request for consent will be sent prior to any changes made
to the purpose
가. Civil Complaint
Personal data will be used for identification, verification, investigation of facts, reporting of findings and the like.
2. Retention of Personal Data
1. File Name for Personal Data: Filing Civil Complaints
- Personal Data Items : Email, Contact Number, Name
- Collection Method : via company website:
- Retention Reason : Civil Complaint
- Retention Period: 3 years
- Applicable law :
3. Consigning of Personal Data
① To enhance personal data processing, The Company may share user’s personal data as follows
② Upon contractual commitments, the company may share users’ personal data with the company, its affiliates,
its service providers, and other third parties in accordance with Article 25 of the Personal Data Protection Law.
The Company will ensure that the users’ personal data is handled securely and implement appropriate security measures
to protectM the confidentiality of the users’ personal, technical, and administrative information.
③ If the company’s affiliates, service providers, and other third parties’ consignees and/or the consigning process changes,
the company will disclose the details of the changes promptly.
4. As the owners of the data, users may exercise following rights.
① Users may request the following rights at any time regarding their personal data:
1. Access Personal Information
2. Request to Correct Incorrect Personal Information
3. Request to Delete Personal Information
4. Request to Stop Personal Data Processing
② User may exercise Section 1 rights by following the Personal Information Protection Law Enforcement Rule No. 8
by communicating through physical mail, email, and FAX. The company will respond without delay.
③ If the user requests the company to correct or delete their personal information, the information will not be used
or disclosed until the correction or deletion has been completed.
④ According to Section 1, the rights of the user can be exercised through user’s legal representative as soon as a warrant
has been provided as regulated in Personal Information Protection Law Enforcement Rule No. 11.
5. Personal Information Items for Processing Data
① The Company requires the following user information
- Required Items : Email Address, Contact Number, Name of User, Company Telephone Number, Company Name
- Optional Items :
6. The Company deletes User Information through following procedures: :
-The information provided by user will be stored in the Data Base (separately filed if data is on hard copy)
for a period of time and immediately deleted and/or destroyed as soon as the purpose of collected data has been fulfilled.
The information stored in the Data Base will not be used for any other purpose unless required by law.
The Information will be destroyed within five days after the expiration of the retention period and/or when
the information becomes unnecessary.
7. The Company takes following technical, administrative, and physical measures to ensure security in accordance with Article 29 of
the Personal Information
Protection Law.
1. Establishment and Implementation of Internal Management Plan
The company has established and is implementing an Internal Management Plan to safely process users’ personal data.
8. Designating the Person in Charge of protecting User Data
① The Company designates the following department and person to be in charge of protecting personal data of users.
▶ Person in Charge of Protecting User Data
Name :
Position :
Title :Deputy General Manager
Contact :031-432-0035,, 031-433-6167
※ Will be directed to User Data Protection Department
▶ User Data Protection Department
Name of Department : Management Division
Chief Privacy Officer : Sun Ae Lim
Direct Tel : 031-433-6167
Email :
② If you have any questions or concerns in regards to the processing of your personal data, please feel to contact
the company’s Data Protection Officer by email,
9. User Information Processing Policy Change
①User Information Processing Policy will be enforced starting on the effective date. The company shall notify
users for any amendment made to this policy at least seven days prior to the enforcement date.